The Sage
Vienna, Austria
The Sage sits settled above and centered within,
His inner man having mastered his outer world.
Over the decades he has learned the supreme value
Of investing in his inner man.
He has given time and detail to the theme of his life’s message.
It speaks every day even when he is quiet.
He speaks from beyond time,
Standing as a doorway to things eternal.
He transcends the business of the moment,
The demand of the hour,
And the tyranny of The Urgent.
He is not driven by ambition or desire
And has placed a greater worth on values
Than vocation.
He has learned the secret that being is of more value than doing,
And that who we are is of more importance than what we do.
He knows that the only thing more important than who we are
Is who we are becoming.
Who we are becoming can only be built on who we have been.
He has time for thought, for contemplation.
He has captured the essence of the Sabbath,
And from that essence proceeds all the tranquility of his life.
By Dave Fitzpatrick