People often ask, ”So what good books have you read recently”.

When someone asks that question they are interested in knowing what is influencing your thinking and what is having an impact on shaping ones life in real space and time. For me I currently have two sources that are having maybe the most significant impact on shaping my perspectives in this season of my life and they are not books but two people. Tyler Ward and Jared Black. (Ana Lee & Steph very much appreciated as well). We spend a lot of time together and we talk a lot, about life, the kingdom and just we’re we are at in the small scheme of things.

To a certain degree I understand the grid I’m working with but a true understanding of the data of life is even more crucial. I am dated and they are freshly current so I constantly hear gems of wisdom or insight or perspective that realign my pursuit of True North. To me they are brilliant friends and deep wells to draw from and I always carry my bucket. My bucket is made up of questions, pursuits, ponderings and a quest for life and to share life. I think they like the bucket because we so often are all gleefully surprised when we see what comes up out of them, from within the halls of their personhood. They make Jesus’ words ring true “for the kingdom of God is within you”. They are my books and true friends having a big impact on my world my life and my future.

Thanks guys.

An Ode To Franklin 2009

An Ode to Franklin

For me the best of cities,

A city set upon a hill shining brightly for all to see;

Of all cities in our land your foundations have been laid in righteousness

And the Godly works of man have built your walls.

“On earth as it is in heaven” is destiny’s invitation beckoning us forward.

And yet a city settled, too settled for me--

the magic and the mystery have faded.

All is understood, tomorrow will be as today

And goodness will prosper by rote and routine.

No mountains to climb, simply masses to manage;

No seas to cross, merely spiritual goods to distribute;

No vistas, only endless pews to arrange.

Acute attention to the vertical or visitation has produced transformation,

And transformation rightly demands attention to the horizontal.

In settling the land we have become settled

A city where the accommodations are comfortable,

the demons cultured,

possessions eclipse passion

and those who dwell therein are at ease.

And while life is lived above lukewarmness

not much is truly hot or cold.

I came to change you and you changed

But now twenty years later I am finding myself the one changed;

I came to “lose my Life” and yet I have gained it.

So my heart is restless,

pilgrimage is tugging at my soul

the highway of Zion summons me on.

My journey may be outward and take me afar

or it may leave me right here to scale new heights within,

either way for a season be it in body or merely in soul,

be it in location or in altitude alone

I now know afresh

I was made for the vista, to see beyond what man can build.

So I’m looking for another city,

one whose architect and builder is God;

And maybe as I am changed once again, I can return and begin anew

to Franklin not just a city set upon a hill

but to my city, my dearest friends and my family.